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Accession Number NWHCM : 2006.533.1


Cast copper-alloy Romano-British figurine of a captive in a seated posture with a chain around the neck. The figures arms are raised and bound together at the wrist with the same length of chain leading from the neck, and this continues down to the shins; the feet are missing and so it is unclear whether the feet too were once depicted as bound. The figure sits in an exaggerated hunched posture to allow a piercing down through the back for an iron rod, only corrosion products of which are now left. The purpose of the figurine is unclear, as it to what it was once attached, but some connection with slavery seems likely.

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This small cast copper alloy figurine depicts a man, who is uncomfortably hunched and naked. His arms are flexed and hands clasped in front of his face. He is tightly bound by a chain or rope which encircles and links his neck, wrists and ankles. There is a vertical perforation through the back, possibly for fastening the object to a support. This is one of just twenty such captive figurines known from Rome’s northern provinces.

Creation Date 1 AD-200 AD
Material copper alloy
Measurements 41 mm
Department Archaeology

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