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The Falling of the Suspension Bridge, Great Yarmouth

Accession Number NWHCM : 1954.138.Todd26.Yarmouth.208


Print, 'The Falling of the Suspension Bridge, Great Yarmouth' by Cornelius Jansson Walter Winter (1817-1891), lithograph on paper, 1845; in plate lower margin left 'DRAWN [ampersand] LITHO. BY C.J.W.WINTER'; in plate lower margin centre 'Falling of the / SUSPENSION BRIDGE G.T YARMOUTH. / on Friday Evening May 2nd 1845, and upwards of 100 Persons Drowned'

Artist Winter, Cornelius Jansen Walter
Creation Date 1845
Department Fine Art : Norwich Castle Museum
Inscription Falling of the / SUSPENSION BRIDGE G.T YARMOUTH. / on Friday Evening May 2nd 1845, and upwards of 100 Persons Drowned

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