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The South West View of Binham Priory, in the County of Norfolk

Accession Number NWHCM : 1954.138.Todd20.NorthGreenhoe.9


Print, 'The South West View of Binham Priory, in the County of Norfolk' by Samuel and Nathaniel Buck, engraving on paper, 1738; in plate upper margin 'THE SOUTH WEST VIEW OF BINHAM PRIORY, IN THE COUNTY OF NORFOLK.'; numbered in plate lower margin right '195'; in plate lower margin right 'S. [ampersand] N. Buck de. et Sculp. Publish d according to Act of Parliament Mar. 25. 1738.'; in plate lower margin 'THIS Priory was founded in the Reign of Henry I, by Peter de Valoines, [ampersand] made a Cell to S.t Albans, paying yearly to that Church / a Mark of Sliver. In K. John's Reign, Rob.t Fitz-Walter was Patron; he beseiged this Priory [ampersand] Reduced it to great Distress, in Order / to reinstate Tho.s the Prior, whom the Abbot of S.t Albans had depos'd[colon] the King upon complaint sent down Forces [ampersand] rais'd the Seige. K. / Henry VIII. granted this to S.r Tho.s Paston, in which Family it continues many years.'

Artist Buck, Samuel
Creation Date 1738
Department Fine Art : Norwich Castle Museum
Inscription 195

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