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child's dress

Accession Number NWHCM : 1935.53.63


Child's dress in white muslin, wide neck, short sleeves edged with broderie anglaise, triangular centre bodice panel decorated with alternating bands of bobbin lace and narrow tucks edged with feather stitch, panel outlined with insertion of broderie anglaise, flat frill or robings extend to centre back neck, level skirt cartridge pleated into narrow waistband, skirt has false petticoat front in three petal shaped panels, each panel decorated with bands of broderie anglaise, bobbin lace and narrow tucks, edged with feather stitch, front panel of skirt edged with broderie anglaise frill which extends around hem, band of nine narrow tucks above hem, hand stitched

Creation Date 1885-1895
Measurements 53 cm
Department Costume and Textiles : Norwich Castle Museum

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