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Flaggon of silver gilt, (weight 36oz.) in the Church of St. Peter's Mancroft Norwich.

Accession Number NWHCM : 1894.76.1094


Drawing, 'Flaggon of silver gilt, (weight 36oz.) in the Church of/ St Peter's Mancroft Norwich.' by Cornelius Jansen Walter Winter (1817-1891), watercolour on paper, undated, Inscription, 'Viz. HAS DVAS LAGENAS ARGENAS ARGENTEAS AEQVILIBRES OZ 36./ There is a nother the same shape, size &c. with this on it, which./ Blomefield has omitted. DEO 7 ECCLIAE DICAVIT ROB; BLACK=/BORNE NORWIC.X. and this on the bottom St. PETER OF MANCROFT IN NORWICH NOVEM.20. AN.O DOI; 1612. Inscription bottom centre right, monograph CJWW.

Artist Winter, Cornelius Jansen Walter
Measurements 37.9 cm
Department Fine Art : Norwich Castle Museum
Inscription CJWW

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