Accession Number KILLM : 2017.6.1
The Festival Award trophy from the King's Lynn Art Club. Visitors Choice Award - Top of trophy is made of a mahogany type hardwood in the shape of a artists palette. The base consists of five oblong pieces of shamfered wood placed on top of each other. Three pieces of the base are made of the same wood as the artists palette and two are made of another wood that appear to have been added at a later date to make room for more recent winners. The base of the trophy has a green baise. The names of the winners and the relevant years are as follows: on the face of the palette arranged to look like blobs of paint the names are Edward Edwards 1766 and 1849; Henry Baines (spelt Bains on trophy) 1823 and 1894;Thomas Baines (spelt Bains on trophy) 1820 and 1875; Walter Dexter 1876 and 1958 and F E Whiting 1910 and 1992. On base of the trophy in chronological order are the previous winners Val Mansell 1984; Pat Newton 1985; F.E. Whiting 1986; Pat Newton 1987; R Elsegood 1988; Jill Ilett 1989; Pat Newton 1990; W L Gillborn 1991; R Elsegood 1992; Jill Ilett 1993; R Elsegood 1994; B I Cooper 1995; Muriel Morrod 1996; Jill Ilett 1997; Muriel Morrod 1998; Pat Newton 1999;Pat Newton 2000; Jill Ilett 2001; Lynda Roberts 2002; Lynda Roberts 2003: Lynda Roberts 2004: Lynda Roberts 2005: Lynda Roberts 2006: Lynda Roberts 2007: Jill Ilett 2008; Lynda Roberts 2009; Pat Newton 2010; Jill Ilett 2011; Jill Ilett 2012; Christine Butler 2013; Lynda Roberts 2014; Robert Fraulo 2015; Lynda Roberts 2016. Supplied with the decanter (KILLM:2017.6.2) was a document giving the history of the King's Lynn Art Club as follows "The club was founded in 1945. The founder members and early members were: Sidney Bent - Chairman: Nell Bolton - secretary and Treasurer (for many years); Eric Bocking, Steve Sadler, Jeff Williams, Margery Swann and Peter Moody. For many years Peter Moody held classes and taught many people to draw and paint. The first meetings were held in the upstairs room of a derated dwelling called Welick House, on Union/Friar Street, which belonged to Alderman Catleugh - free of charge. The members often met at a pub afterwards at a pub at the end of the street. The next venue was the museum, meetings and exhibitions being held there till 1970. From 1970 to 1985 meetings were held at the High School in King Street, (now flats). From 1986 to 1988 exhibitions were held in either the Red Barn, Fermoy Centre, or the Town Hall. Since 1989, all exhibitions have been held at the Old Warehouse Gallery, Arts Centre, King Street. Since 1986, all meetings were held at the Norfolk College, Tennyson Avenue. Presidents over the years have been accomplished artists, including: Walter Dexter, R.A. (Killed by a motorcyclist outside his own home - a pub called The Valient sailor in Nelson Street, converted to a house). Cavendish-Morton, (Long-time President of the Royal Water-colour Society). Noel Spencer, Head of Norwich Art College, (Famous for his etchings of well known churches of Britain). Ronald Crampton - 1976 to 1985, husband of Doreen Allen, well known professional artist from Gt. Massingham. Jeremy Barlow - since 1987. A very well known and highly renowed, most sought after Artist, who holds an Annual one-man Exhibition at the Ringstead Gallery. Awards presented at the Annual Exhibitions: Miss Harrowing Award - For the Best Picture in Show, as chosen by the President or Person opening the Show, (Usually opened by the President or another accomplished artist outside our Club). The trophy (of a Beautiful Glass Decanter) was purchased with money left in her Will by the Art Club. Visitors Choice Award - For the Picture of the Year, as voted for by the general public and visitors to the Exhibition. This trophy was crafted and donated by Peter Moody (A wooden artists palette). The Annual Exhibtion in the earlier years was opened by some really well known artists, including: Harold workman, Edward Wesson (Post Offices of Britain), Bernard Adams, Leslie Davenport.
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