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Accession Number KILLM : 2012.14


Print of cartoons / caricatures of 'King's Lynn Celebrities' by cartoonist 'Matt', reproduced from the Sunday Graphic, 5th July 1931; including pictures of Mr J.W. Shaw (Chief of Fire Brigade), Mr F.R. Turner (President, Chamber of Trade), Col Graham Woodwark ex MP), Mr H.W. Youngs (Chief Constable), Capt. Holmes (Harbour-Master), Dudley Page, F.W. White (Labour Mayor), Walter Lake, F.C.J. Carpenter, George R. Oswell, Clr. H. H. Catleugh, Rev M. Hinton Knowles, P. Goodchild, Wilfrid Dines (Bandmaster)

Creation Date 1931
Material card
Department Lynn Museum

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