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label envelope

Accession Number KILLM : 1974.50.17


Label envelopes for Horace Friend Ltd, skin merchants of Wisbech 'Perishable - Immediate Delivery' and two self address cards to be placed inside the parcel to list numbers of moleskins, rabbits, fox, badger, stoats, weasels, horsehair, feathers, and sundries. Also Price Lists dated October 1931, February 1942, March 1946, and December 1947 for moleskins, fox, badger, cat, stoat, weasel, deer, rabbit, otter, nutria (coypu), horsehair, feathers, wings and tails. Also two credit notes dated May 1942 and April 1946, made out to Mr Winter of Terrington St Clement for supplying moleskins, together with the envelopes they were sent in

Creation Date 1942
Material paper
Measurements 145 mm
Department Lynn Museum

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